Affiliated Partners

Relationships Drive Better Results

Daudlin Search is proud to partner with The Solvent Group relative to development support for our Nonprofit Clients.  

With a team made up of nearly a century’s worth of experience in fundraising, marketing and strategic development, Christie Perdue and Anthony Rupard share in our commitment to address our clients’ needs with a custom service approach based on our professional knowledge and insight from the industry.


Christie Perdue + Anthony Rupard

Christie Perdue and Anthony Rupard bring a combined 40 years of nonprofit experience to each of their client partnerships.

While working as independent consultants, they often collaborated on projects, and soon realized that a team of fundraising and strategic professionals working in tandem brought more benefits to their clients than they could on their own.

By joining forces and building The Solvent Group, Christie and Anthony have broadened their services, their team, and their ability to strengthen nonprofits across the country.

“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give”
— Winston Churchill